You can download our Church Survey 2019 from this page.
- MS Word Document for filling out electronically: click here
- PDF Document for printing out and completing by hand: click here
We are working towards a Church conversation day in early October. This survey helps us all to prepare. It is for prayer and honest input.
It’s not a very short survey. As you take time over the summer (it’s not due until the end of August), please fill out carefully and prayerfully. Feel free to include all members of your household in your discussion and prayer.
The survey puts forward four possibilities regarding our buildings. Please note, these are hypotheticals, not plans or proposals, and are presented as food for thought and as an aid for discernment.
If you need help filling it in, talk to Will, or Andy Wier, or simply make contact with us through the office.
Anyone can fill the survey out. If you think someone doesn’t have a copy, feel free to send them the link, or print one out for them.
All other instructions are in the survey itself. You might like to join us, as we pray:
Loving Father,
We thank you for how you have brought The Vine together to be a people who follow you, in the name of your Son, Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
In this season of discernment, Heavenly Father, speak to us.
Encourage us when we walk by your Spirit.
Convict us when we stray into fear and selfishness.
Remind us of our dependence upon you.
Above all, glorify yourself through us, in this city in which you have placed us. Draw us to know your gospel deeper still, and release us into an eternal life that starts right here, in the here and now.
In the name of Jesus,