Studying the Bible is an adventure! When we study the Bible, the chances are, we find ourselves being studied by the whispers of God’s Spirit to the depths of our souls.
Christians, for many generations, have used the season of Lent as a time for Bible study. Lent is a journey that begins with Ash Wednesday, when we confront our mortality and our simple need of God. It concludes at the foot of the cross, from which we are then grasped by the joy and grace of Easter Day.
In 2021, our journey through Lent will be a roaming through Paul’s letter to the Romans. We will focus on the first half, the first eight chapters.
How to join us this Lent.
In summary, there is an opportunity for:
- A Daily Devotional reading plan. We have outlined in the information (linked above), and on this page (below), a schedule of short readings from Romans 1-8 for each day of Lent.

- Reading and Reflecting. There are a number of good books and commentaries that you might find useful to use. We recommend getting Tom Wright’s Paul for Everyone: Romans Part 1. We are using this book as a basis for a lot of the aspects of our journey.
- A Lent Course. We will be running weekly sessions on Wednesday evenings during Lent – on zoom or in-person as regulations allow – for extra input and conversation.
- Small group and home group study. Small groups and home groups might like to read the readings together. Tom Wright has also released a bible study guide, the details are in the information linked above.
Please join us
If you would like to join us on this journey, it would be great to hear from you. Even if all you can commit to is the daily devotional readings, it would be great to know. We would love to pray for you during this time.
If you’re having difficulty accessing a Bible or purchasing any of the resource books, we are able to help. Do be in touch.
If you would like to be a part of the Wednesday Evening course we will need to know if you’re coming. If we can meet in-person we will need to manage numbers. If we meet online we will need to be able to send you zoom links and other details.
The talks from Wednesdays and Sundays will be uploaded to a youtube playlist here: They will also be made available on audio here:
Please contact us.
Reading Schedule
The reading program begins on Ash Wednesday and concludes just before Good Friday.
Date | Daily Devotion Romans Reading | Chapter in Wright’s Paul for Everyone |
Feb 17 (Wed) | 1:1-7 | Good News about the New King |
Feb 18 (Thu) | 1:8-13 | Paul Longs to see the Roman Christians |
Feb 19 (Fri) | 1:14-17 | Good News, Salvation and the Justice of God |
Feb 20 (Sat) | 1:18-23 | Humans Reject God and Embrace Corruption |
Feb 21 (Sun) | SUNDAY | |
Feb 22 (Mon) | 1:24-27 | Unclean Desires, Dishonoured Bodies |
Feb 23 (Tue) | 1:28-32 | Darkened Mind, Darkened Behaviour |
Feb 24 (Wed) | 2:1-11 | God’s Coming Judgement Will Be Impartial, the Same for All |
Feb 25 (Thu) | 2:12-16 | How God’s Impartial Judgement Will Work |
Feb 26 (Fri) | 2:17-24 | The Claim of the Jew – and its Problems |
Feb 27 (Sat) | 2:25-29 | The Badge, the Name and the Meaning |
Feb 28 (Sun) | SUNDAY | |
Mar 1 (Mon) | 3:1-8 | God’s Determined Faithfulness |
Mar 2 (Tue) | 3:9-20 | Jews as well as Gentiles Are Guilty of Sin |
Mar 3 (Wed) | 3:21-24 | The Unveiling of God’s Covenant Justice |
Mar 4 (Thu) | 3:25-26 | Jesus’ Death Reveals God’s Covenant Justice |
Mar 5 (Fri) | 3:27-31 | The God of Both Jew and Gentile |
Mar 6 (Sat) | 4:1-8 | God’s Covenant with Abraham |
Mar 7 (Sun) | SUNDAY | |
Mar 8 (Mon) | 4:9-12 | Abraham the Father of Both the Uncircumcised and Circumcised |
Mar 9 (Tue) | 4:13-17 | Abraham Is the Father of All Believers |
Mar 10 (Wed) | 4:18-25 | Abraham’s Faith – and Ours |
Mar 11 (Thu) | 5:1-5 | Peace and Hope |
Mar 12 (Fri) | 5:6-11 | Jesus’ Death Reveals God’s Love and Guarantees Final Salvation |
Mar 13 (Sat) | 5:12-17 | The Big Picture in Shorthand: Adam and the Messiah |
Mar 14 (Sun) | SUNDAY | |
Mar 15 (Mon) | 5:18-21 | The Triumphant Reign of Grace |
Mar 16 (Tue) | 6:1-5 | Leaving the State of Sin through Baptism |
Mar 17 (Wed) | 6:6-11 | Dead to Sin, Alive to God |
Mar 18 (Thu) | 6:12-14 | The Call to Holy Living |
Mar 19 (Fri) | 6:15-19 | The Two Types of Slavery |
Mar 20 (Sat) | 6:20-23 | Where the Two Roads Lead |
Mar 21 (Sun) | SUNDAY | |
Mar 22 (Mon) | 7:1-6 | Dying to the Law |
Mar 23 (Tue) | 7:7-12 | When the Law Arrived: Sinai Looks Back to the Fall |
Mar 24 (Wed) | 7:13-20 | Looking Back on Life under the Law |
Mar 25 (Thu) | 7:21-25 | The Double ‘ Law’ and the Miserable ‘I’ |
Mar 26 (Fri) | 8:1-4 | God’s Action in Messiah and Spirit |
Mar 27 (Sat) | 8:5-11 | The Work of the Spirit |
Mar 28 (Sun) | SUNDAY | |
Mar 29 (Mon) | 8:12-17 | Children of God, Led by the Spirit |
Mar 30 (Tue) | 8:18-25 | Creation Renewed and Patient Hope |
Mar 31 (Wed) | 8:26-30 | Prayer, Sonship and the Sovereignty of God |
Apr 1 (Thu) | 8:31-39 | Nothing Shall Separate Us from God’s Love |
Apr 2 (Fri) | GOOD FRIDAY | |
Apr 3 (Sat) | EASTER SATURDAY | |
Apr 4 (Sun) | EASTER SUNDAY |